By Ally Conrad, Events Manager at Transformance Advisors
A Powerful Learning Experience
An emerging best practice of the “flipped classroom” is the model for our educational events at Transformance Advisors.
Our classroom sessions are energized and powerful learning experiences. While outside the classroom, knowledge keeps flowing via articles, videos, project work, and other assignments.
Classroom time is reduced while total knowledge acquisition is increased.
You can have your cake and eat it too!
A few frequently asked questions include:
- What is a flipped classroom?
- Why is it beneficial?
- How does it compare to traditional models?
Let’s look closer at each of these questions…
What is a Flipped Classroom?
The flipped classroom is a educational model that dedicates classroom time to:
- Team Activities
- Learning Exercises
- Student Presentations
- Debate and Discussion
Most lectures, quizzes, and exams are available online and are assigned to be completed outside of the classroom.
Therefore, the traditional homework assignments and other learning activities are brought into the classroom and the traditional classroom activities become the homework.
Just like that, the classroom is indeed FLIPPED!
Why is it Beneficial?
By removing lectures, quizzes, and exams from the classroom, time is freed up to:
- Increase peer interaction through team-based activities, such as simulations and group exercises
- Increase confidence through student presentations and how they can apply the knowledge at their organizations
- Improved student-teacher interaction through open debate and discussion
When class is in session:
- Instructors act as coaches – encouraging students, leading class discussions, and addressing topics of concern
- Students participate in many activities and learning from one another
Outside the classroom, online materials allow students to:
- Learn at their own pace
- Fast forward, rewind, and pause
- Revisit any concept
- Prepare to debate and discuss back in the classroom
How does it compare to traditional models?
In a number of surveys, the results have been astonishingly consistent.
A study by the Flipped Learning Network found:
- 80% of participants had increased attitudes
- 67% of participants had increased grades
Our own observations get beyond the numbers:
- Classrooms sessions are full of energy and noise
- Total knowledge transfer has been increased
- Time is reserved checking emails and staying plugged-in
- Networking is increased and personal friendships are made
The evidence is convincing.
The flipped classroom is a more effective learning experience.
What’s Flipped at Transformance Advisors?
Certified Lean Practitioner
Our Certified Lean Practitioner program provides a complete package of education, application, and coaching for those seeking to learn and gain hands-on experience with the most powerful tools used for lean transformations.
Classroom sessions feature lean simulations, participant presentations, open debate, and coaching support for a lean project designed to help everyone find and reduce time wasted in their jobs.
Outside the classroom, participants have access to online tools, such as articles, videos, and quizzes. They also work on their lean project using the step-by-step plan developed in the classroom and supported by the online tools.
Supply Chain Management
Our Supply Chain Management course includes instructor-led classroom sessions and a package of online tools that will arm you with the knowledge required to work more effectively with customers, suppliers, and coworkers.
Classroom sessions feature The Fresh Connection, an interactive team-based business simulation where class participants make strategic executive level decisions in a high-pressure environment.
Outside the classroom, participants have access to online tools, such as articles, videos, and quizzes. They also assess their own organization for each topic area and develop an overall assessment of supply chain management they can use to prioritize improvement projects.
Education and Training
Lessons from Sasquatch
What is the Learning Curve?
What is The Fresh Connection?
What is Continuous Improvement?
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Organizational Improvement Acronyms by Transformance Advisors
Organizational Improvement Definitions by Transformance Advisors